Anytime® no-bite Products

6+ Hours of Long-lasting protection from bloodthirsty mosquitoes

Anytime® no-bite Mosquito Repellents are clinically proven to offer 6+ Hours of long-lasting protection from bloodthirsty mosquitoes. DEET and PARABEN-FREE and are safe for the entire family (when used as directed).

Mosquito repellents don’t need to repel people, just mosquitoes and biting insects.

Our non-greasy lotions have a mild pleasant scent. The lotions are also available unscented. They come in convenient on-the-go, single-use VialPaQ™s, Lotions, economical TubePaQ™s, lotions, and in our patented “Airofill” Spray.

2-in1 Protections from Biting Insects and the Sun

Anytime® 2-in-1 Mosquito Repellent and Sunscreen Lotion contain the same long-lasting 6+ Hours of Protection from mosquitos combined with an effective protective sunscreen that is a 30 SPF Broad Spectrum the offers both UVB and UVA protection.

SECURE™ no-bite Products

People and their pets can enjoy the outdoors again

Outdoor Zone

ZONE tag


Secure® no-bite ZONE Spatial Repellents for outdoor protection from pesky biters available in 2 Day ZONE, 7 Day ZONE, and 15 Day ZONE pouches. They provide a radius of 70 feet of mosquito-free outdoor space. Great for the backyard or pool, on-the-go events like the beach or lake, BBQS, camping, use anywhere to keep bloodthirsty mosquitoes away.

Pets-B-SafeStill TailsDEET FREE


Keep your Cats, Dogs, and Horses happy and safe from biting insects

SECURE® no-bite Cat and Dog Insecticide Spray is a safe and effective long-lasting formula that kills fleas, ticks, and offers relief from biting insects with 6+ hours of protection.

SECURE® Bed Bug Spray – coming soon

SECURE® no-bite StillTails™ Horse Insecticide and Tick Spray is a safe and effective product to keep horses relaxed and protected from biting insects and tick for 6+ Hours of protection.

Natural eco-friendly products that are DEET and PARABEN-FREE and safe for all when used as directed.

Secure Lawn and Garden
Weed Killer


Say Goodbye to Weeds, Unwanted Grasses and Pesky Bugs

SECURE® Weed and Grass Killer Herbicide Spray rids your walkways, landscaping and garden beds of weeds and unwanted grasses in just minutes, while killing all the way to the root. Safe to use in and around edible fruits and vegetable.

SECURE® Yard and Garden Insecticide Spray Kills and Repels

100’s of Insects Kills tough critters like fire ants, roaches and stops ticks in their tracks

SECURE® Lawn and Garden Insecticide Spray works quickly, killing bugs on contact. Get rid of mosquitoes, ants, centipedes, cutworms, earwigs, fleas, ticks, mites and. 100’s of other pesky bugs.

Natural eco-friendly products that are DEET and PARABEN-FREE and safe for all when used as directed.