SECURE® Lawn and Garden Insecticide Spray


Safely, Effectively Kills, Repels, and Prevents Hundreds of Destructive Insects with no harmful chemicals

Kills on ContactAnts • Fleas • Ticks • no-see-ums

Perfect for lawns, landscapes, garden beds, walkways, decks, and patios

This eco-friendly formula safely and effectively, rids your outdoor space of ants, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, palmetto bugs, crickets, caterpillars, mites, mealy bugs, aphids, no-see-ums, stink bugs, wasps, hornets, Japanese beetles, silverfish, centipedes, cutworms, earwigs, and other annoying and destructive pests.

Ready to use concentrated formula needs no mixing or diluting

No Harmful Chemicals – Safe around Children and Pets*

Temporarily out of stock Check back soon

Available in 32 oz and 1 gallon

Categories: , SKU: N/A


Ready-to-use • Do Not Dilute • Treats 1,500 sq ft per gallon

Shake vigorously before use.

Directions: Turn nozzle to ON “Spray” or “Stream” position before using. Hold container upright while spraying 8 to 12 inches from the desired treatment area. Spray at a steady pace with a sweeping motion, overlapping treated areas to ensure even coverage.

For best results: Begin treating when insects start to appear. Apply twice within 2-10 days to ensure you eliminate pests. Start at the base of the home and continue into the yard, be sure to soak surrounding ground areas containing shade, leaves, and mulch as insects hide in these areas. During hot and dry times, spray in the early morning or evening hours when temperatures are under 80º F. If it rains within 4 hours of spraying, re-treatment may be necessary.

Additional Tips: For mosquitoes, repeat as needed. For ants, soak mounds and repeat as necessary to establish control below ground.

Prevention and Maintenance: For ongoing control, apply every 30-45 days or as needed. Use year-round for complete protection.

Do Not Spray: leaves of delicate tomato plants, wilted or drought stress plants and, around exotic birds or rodent pets.

Read and follow all directions and precaution on this product label. DO NOT SPRAY IN THE EYES OR NEAR MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Always use eye protection.

Staining is unlikely; however, test for possible staining on an inconspicuous area on any hard surfaces to be sprayed (i.e., cement, paver’s, brick, fences, and more). We recommend a test duration of 48 hours or more.

Coverage area: Treats up to 1,500 sq. feet per gallon

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Additional Product Information

Safely, Effectively Kills, Repels, and Prevents

Hundreds of Destructive Insects

Enjoy the outdoors again with SECURE® Yard and Garden Contact Insecticide Spray

The eco-friendly formula will safely and effectively, rid your outdoor space of ants, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, palmetto bugs, crickets, caterpillars, mites, mealy bugs, aphids, no-see-ums, stink bugs, wasps, hornets, Japanese beetles, silverfish, centipedes, cutworms, earwigs, and other annoying and destructive pests.

Easy to use concentrated formula needs no mixing or diluting

No Wait Time After Spraying

There is no need to wait for drying or reentry into the outdoor space. Adults, children*, and pets can immediately enjoy the freedom of pest-free outdoor living.

Treats 1,500 Square Feet

You can safely use it on lawns, gardens, walkways, patios, vegetables, flowers, siding, brick, paint, and more.

Environmentally thoughtful Formulation

No synthetic or harmful pesticides, no artificial colors, or fragrances. Made in the USA from powerful, sustainable ingredients. Safe for children and pets, including cats, when used as directed.

Kills on Contact

Ants • Fleas • Ticks • no-see-ums

Easy to use on:

• Lawns

• Landscapes

• Garden Beds

• Decks and Patios

• Walkways


No Harmful Chemicals

Safe Around Children and Pets* when used as directed

Safely and effectively,

Kills and Repels Destructive Insects

Easy to use concentrate formula


Pleasant mint scent


ADELGIDS - Eastern Sprucegall ANTS - Argentine - Carpenter - Foraging Fire Ants - Pavement - Pharaoh/Sugar - Pyramid - Red/Western Harvester APHIDS - Apple - Black Cherry - Buckhorn - Greenbug - Pea - Pecan - Rose - Rosy Apple - Walnut BEETLES - Billbugs - Black Turfgrass Ataenius - Carpet - Colorado Potato - Corn Rootworm (Adults) - Curculio (Cow Pea, Plum) - Elm Leaf - Flea - Japanese (Adults) - Lady Beetles (including Asian Lady Beetle Eggs) - Mexican Bean - Pine Chafer (grub) - Pine Shoot - Sap - Spotted Cucumber / Southern Corn Rootworm (Adults) - Striped Cucumber Weevils (Annual Bluegrass & Black Vine) BORERS - American Plum - European Corn - Lesser Peachtree - Peachtree - Peach Twig - Southwestern Corn - Squash Vine - Stalk BOXELDER BUGS BRISTLETAILS CATERPILLARS - Alfalfa - Armyworms (Beet, Fall, Southern, True, Yellow Striped, Beet Armyworm Eggs) - Bagworms - Blueberry Spanworm - Budworms - Corn Earworm - Cutworms - Cranberry Fruitworm - Filbertworm - Green Cloverworm - Green Fruitworm - Hickory Shuckworm - Hornworms (Tobacco & Tomato) - Imported Cabbageworm Loopers (Alfalfa, Cabbage, Celery) - Navel Orangeworm - Painted Lady - Pecan Nut Casebearer - Pickleworm - Rindworm - Saltmarsh - Sod Webworms - Tent - Velvetbean CENTIPEDES CHINCH BUGS - Hairy - Southern COCKROACHES - American/Palmetto Bug - Waterbugs - Asian - German - Oriental - Crickets - Earwigs - Firebrats FLEAS FLIES - Apple Maggot - Biting Flies - Cherry Fruit - Cornsilk - European Crane (Adult) - House FUNGUS GNATS GRASSHOPPERS HORNETS LACE BUGS LEAFFOOTED BUGS - Squash Bug LEAFHOPPERS LEAFMINERS - Alder - Tentiform - Vegetable LEAFROLLERS - Oblique Banded - Red-Banded - Variegated MEALYBUGS MIDGES MILLIPEDES MITES - Broad - Carmine - Chigger - Clover MOLE CRICKETS MOSQUITOES MOTHS - Artichoke Plume - Codling - Diamondback - Gypsy PHYLLOXERA - Pecan Leaf - Pecan Stem PILLBUGS & ROLLIE POLLIES PLANT BUGS - Lygus Bug - Tarnished PSYLLIDS - Pear SAWFLIES - European Pine - Redheaded Pine SCALES - Brown Soft - California Red - Euonymus - San Jose SILVERFISH SOWBUGS SPITTLEBUGS - Pecan SPRINGTAILS STORED PRODUCT PESTS THRIPS TICKS TERMITES WASPS WHITEFLIES


Active Ingredients:

Rosemary Oil 2.5%

Peppermint Oil 2.0%

Thyme Oil 2.0%

Inert Ingredients:

Water, Sunflower Oil, Isopropyl Myristate,

Lauric Acid, Decanoic Acid, Triethyl Citrate, Lecithin 93.5%

                                       Total 100%


CAUTION: See the back of the label for additional precautionary statements



If in eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present for the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eyes. If irritation persists, call

a poison control center or a doctor for treatment advice.


CALL 800-535-5053

Storage and disposal: Store in a cool, dark place, recycle, if available, or dispose of in a sanitary landfill or by other procedures approved by state and local authorities. Do not reuse this container. Do not reuse this container.

Limit of Liability: Buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and uses that are not in accordance with directions for use, product label, and precautionary statements.

EPA Registration: This product has not been registered by the U.S. EPA. MosquitoPaQ, LLC represents that this product qualifies for exemption from registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).


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