By Natureplusme Team | | Read Original Article
Bed bug bites are not a pleasure to deal with because they leave an individual with itchy, red spots or bumps on the skin that may be sore. Though the bites caused by these bugs are not life-threatening, it is necessary to learn how best to deal with issues like scratching.
In this guide, there is a list of different home remedies that can be utilized if you are wondering what to do for bed bug bites. The mentioned remedies provide alleviation of the effects of bed bug bites and facilitate quicker healing.
1. Oatmeal Bath
Oatmeal is effectively famous for its skin soothing abilities so it can be used to address skin irritations. For bed bug bite treatment, crush a cup of plain oatmeal into a fine texture and mix with a warm water bath.
For best results, remain immersed in the bath water long enough to permit the oatmeal to calm the itching and inflammation, which can take at least 15-20 minutes. This remedy is especially helpful for widespread bites. So, if you are wondering…
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